SNF Collection Services

“Frustrated with outstanding AR? Relax- SNF Specialists can help”

SNF Collection Services group of dedicated industry veterans, assist SNF clients' nationwide reach new levels of profitability by efficiently collecting a high percentage of outstanding Medicare, Medicaid and HMO receivable balances. From referral cases that are difficult to recover, to an entire AR aging that requires assistance, our team of dedicated specialists relentlessly and effectively exhaust every possible effort required to get claims paid.

Services & Goals

“We have successfully recovered an abundance of difficult receivables at a remarkably high ratio.”

Recovery of AR

  • High Ratio of Collections

  • Assistance for Entire AR Aging

  • Dedicated Specialist for Difficult Cases

  • Extensive Review of AR Balances

  • Improve Internal Staff Effeceincy

AR Services

  • Specialized AR Assistance

  • AR Aging Analysis

  • Strategic Collection Analysis

  • Monthly Status Reports

  • Trends, Recurring Issues and The Root Cause Analysis

What do we do?

SNF Collections Department, undertakes the recoupment process of outstanding Skilled Nursing Facility Accounts Receivable balances. Our dedicated and experienced Specialists extensively research difficult case referrals and thoroughly review all aging balances. We then proceed to take all the necessary steps until balances are recouped. Our goal is to diminish the percentage of AR presumable to hit bad debt and assist with getting the AR back on track. We will customize a unique collections program for every client and provide lasting results.

SNF provides the following services; We conduct an initial analysis review of their AR aging reports to identify areas of weakness and propose an outline of where we can assist on collection. We assist with the transition that only requires a non-invasive amount of access to your facility's data, to ensure the results are prompt. We provide monthly checkpoint status reports indicating the general account collection progress, including; a cash receipts log, detailed collection status notes of the referred balances and ongoing feedback analysis on the balance's underlining issues.

“The transition is prompt and seamless and the results are nearly always immediate. There is no charge for our service unless results are achieved”

Senior Center
Your Benifits Include

A substantial percent of AR presumable to hit bad debt, will be recovered

AR balances would be thoroughly and extensively reviewed to ensure the legitimacy of bad debt. We would exhaust every possible collection effort prior to writing it off.

We analyze and consult on the frequent AR collection issues and minimize the trends going forward.

Boost current productivity of your internal staff by relieving the burden of outstanding AR.

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SNF Collection Service